The Society's Marriages Database contains all available register entries for marriages which took place in Buckinghamshire between 1538 and 1837 and we are adding all marriages up to 1901 (over 235,000 marriages).
The search options are:
- Full county search for a specific marriage:
- £2.50
- Search for every reference to a surname for any 100 year period:
- £5.00
For a list of parishes covered see Current Database Status .
Searches of the database can be made by contacting.
You will receive:
Output will include (if on the original register) the names of the bride and groom, their places of residence, occupations, ages, name & occupation of fathers, whether by banns or licence, names of witnesses, whether or not the bride, groom & witnesses signed the register and an indicator to show that more information is contained in the original register. This is an example of a Marriage Search here.
Searches are covered by the Consumer Protection (Distant Selling) Regulations 2000