Member's meeting at Bletchley to see us into Christmas. It was suggested that as an addition to the evening we would ask you to bring along A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR EARLY SELF which we will display and you can see which you can pair up with those present. Details and a reminder in the New Year. All are welcome to attend the meeting at The Methodist Church Hall, Queensway, Bletchley at 7.30. Wednesday 1st November 2023.
I hope you have all been pleased that we have been able to re-activate the North Bucks group. Though attendances have been inconsistant, over 40 of you have come to one or more meeting. To celebrate please ALL come along NEXT WEDNESDAY 6th. DECEMBER for a chat over some Christmas nibbles and WITH A SHORT TALE tell us about your researches in particular if you have something which links to the Christmas and New Year season.
I hope to be able to wish you the compliments of the season on Wednesday and good health for 2024. If not this will have to wait until February since there will be NO MEETING IN JANUARY with the first Wednesday so close to New Years Day. For February we will welcome our old friend Julian Hunt
The meeting will start at 7.30 pm and will be free for members, any non members who may wish to attend will be charged £2. Teas and Coffees will be available after the meeting. We would love to see folk back together again and look forward to seeing you all at
BFHS Northern Group
The Methodist Church Hall, Queensway, Bletchley
For a map see Northern Branch