Family legend was that Thomas Major was a surgeon in the Royal Navy, and was on board the ship 'Swiftsure' at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. After Thomas left the Navy he settled in Hungerford, Berkshire as a medical practitioner. Thomas was Jerry's 4xG Grandfather and he wanted to check whether this was true and this resulted in an investigation of all of his service in the Royal Navy. Jerry hopes you will be surprised to see the enormous amount of detail available on the Royal Navy of over 200 years ago.
The meeting will start at 7.30 pm and will be free for members, any non members who may wish to attend will be charged £2. Teas and Coffees will be available after the meeting. We would love to see folk back together again and look forward to seeing you all at
BFHS Northern Group
The Methodist Church Hall, Queensway, Bletchley
For a map see Northern Branch